Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#2958 // app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php:313
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        "summary" => "{"en":"Countersunk magnets are an extremely popular fixing method due to their ease of application, clean aesthetic and strong performance. These magnets are easily fixed in place with screws and are used for discreet door and drawer closures and for signage and displays."}"
        "description" => "{"en":"<p>Countersunk magnets are available with either pole on the magnetic face so that they can be used as a pair to attract or repel. If you are using two magnets to attract you need to make sure the opposite poles are facing each other as identical poles will repel! Some of their uses include:<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Cabinet making<\/strong> - Typically you&rsquo;ll find countersunk magnets used as invisible closing mechanisms and soft drawer closures.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>DIY<\/strong> - Neodymium magnets can be used to create <a title=\"Creating a hidden magnetic gate latch\" href=\"http:\/\/\/applications\/2013\/09\/creating-a-hidden-gate-latch\/\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">gate latches<\/span><\/a>, <a title=\"Garden shed magnets\" href=\"http:\/\/\/applications\/2013\/08\/garden-shed-magnets\/\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">holding doors open and closed<\/span><\/a>, <a title=\"Fitting a magnetically attachable bath panel\" href=\"http:\/\/\/applications\/2014\/10\/magnetically-attachable-removable-bath-panel\/\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">fixing bath panels<\/span><\/a> and creating removable access panels.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Shop fitting<\/strong> &ndash; Magnets are often used in shelving and lighting systems, screens, window displays and signage.<\/p>\r\n<p>Regular countersunk magnets are the only suitable choice if you need magnets to work through a gap, while<span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\"><a title=\"Countersunk pot magnets\" href=\"http:\/\/\/countersunk-magnets-c41#t175\" target=\"_blank\"> countersunk pot magnets<\/a><\/span> work best when clamped directly against a steel surface<\/p>"}"
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      #original: array:14 [
        "id" => 674
        "label" => null
        "serialized" => "category:41"
        "summary" => "{"en":"Countersunk magnets are an extremely popular fixing method due to their ease of application, clean aesthetic and strong performance. These magnets are easily fixed in place with screws and are used for discreet door and drawer closures and for signage and displays."}"
        "description" => "{"en":"<p>Countersunk magnets are available with either pole on the magnetic face so that they can be used as a pair to attract or repel. If you are using two magnets to attract you need to make sure the opposite poles are facing each other as identical poles will repel! Some of their uses include:<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Cabinet making<\/strong> - Typically you&rsquo;ll find countersunk magnets used as invisible closing mechanisms and soft drawer closures.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>DIY<\/strong> - Neodymium magnets can be used to create <a title=\"Creating a hidden magnetic gate latch\" href=\"http:\/\/\/applications\/2013\/09\/creating-a-hidden-gate-latch\/\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">gate latches<\/span><\/a>, <a title=\"Garden shed magnets\" href=\"http:\/\/\/applications\/2013\/08\/garden-shed-magnets\/\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">holding doors open and closed<\/span><\/a>, <a title=\"Fitting a magnetically attachable bath panel\" href=\"http:\/\/\/applications\/2014\/10\/magnetically-attachable-removable-bath-panel\/\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">fixing bath panels<\/span><\/a> and creating removable access panels.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Shop fitting<\/strong> &ndash; Magnets are often used in shelving and lighting systems, screens, window displays and signage.<\/p>\r\n<p>Regular countersunk magnets are the only suitable choice if you need magnets to work through a gap, while<span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\"><a title=\"Countersunk pot magnets\" href=\"http:\/\/\/countersunk-magnets-c41#t175\" target=\"_blank\"> countersunk pot magnets<\/a><\/span> work best when clamped directly against a steel surface<\/p>"}"
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            "page_title" => "{"en":"Countersunk Magnets"}"
            "meta_description" => "{"en":"At first4magnets you will find a large choice of magnets with countersunk holes for easy fixing. North and south facing available in all sizes."}"
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            "page_title" => "{"en":"Countersunk Magnets"}"
            "meta_description" => "{"en":"At first4magnets you will find a large choice of magnets with countersunk holes for easy fixing. North and south facing available in all sizes."}"
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                5 => 123348
                6 => 123349
                7 => 123350
              "name" => "15mm dia x 7.5mm thick x 4.2mm c/sink Neodymium Magnet - 5.7kg Pull"
              "model" => "F317NS"
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                  "alt" => "15mm dia x 7.5mm thick x 4.2mm c/sink Neodymium Magnet - 5.7kg Pull"
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                  "alt" => "15mm dia x 7.5mm thick x 4.2mm c/sink Neodymium Magnet - 5.7kg Pull"
              "summary" => "<p>High-performance countersunk Neodymium (N42) magnets available with either pole on the countersunk face.</p>\r<p><strong>Pack quantity 2: 2 Countersunk&nbsp;magnets</strong></p>\r<p>Explore how countersunk magnets can help your application in our handy&nbsp;<a title="" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" data-cke-saved-href="">magnet &amp; application guide!</a></p>"
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                  "price_inc" => 0
                  "attributes" => "Pack Size: 20"
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                  "price_ex" => 0
                  "price_inc" => 0
                  "attributes" => "Pack Size: 20"
                4 => array:3 [
                  "price_ex" => 0
                  "price_inc" => 0
                  "attributes" => "Pack Size: 40"
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                  "attributes" => "Pack Size: 40"
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        "summary" => "{"en":"Countersunk magnets are an extremely popular fixing method due to their ease of application, clean aesthetic and strong performance. These magnets are easily fixed in place with screws and are used for discreet door and drawer closures and for signage and displays."}"
        "description" => "{"en":"<p>Countersunk magnets are available with either pole on the magnetic face so that they can be used as a pair to attract or repel. If you are using two magnets to attract you need to make sure the opposite poles are facing each other as identical poles will repel! Some of their uses include:<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Cabinet making<\/strong> - Typically you&rsquo;ll find countersunk magnets used as invisible closing mechanisms and soft drawer closures.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>DIY<\/strong> - Neodymium magnets can be used to create <a title=\"Creating a hidden magnetic gate latch\" href=\"http:\/\/\/applications\/2013\/09\/creating-a-hidden-gate-latch\/\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">gate latches<\/span><\/a>, <a title=\"Garden shed magnets\" href=\"http:\/\/\/applications\/2013\/08\/garden-shed-magnets\/\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">holding doors open and closed<\/span><\/a>, <a title=\"Fitting a magnetically attachable bath panel\" href=\"http:\/\/\/applications\/2014\/10\/magnetically-attachable-removable-bath-panel\/\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">fixing bath panels<\/span><\/a> and creating removable access panels.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Shop fitting<\/strong> &ndash; Magnets are often used in shelving and lighting systems, screens, window displays and signage.<\/p>\r\n<p>Regular countersunk magnets are the only suitable choice if you need magnets to work through a gap, while<span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\"><a title=\"Countersunk pot magnets\" href=\"http:\/\/\/countersunk-magnets-c41#t175\" target=\"_blank\"> countersunk pot magnets<\/a><\/span> work best when clamped directly against a steel surface<\/p>"}"
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        "summary" => "{"en":"Countersunk magnets are an extremely popular fixing method due to their ease of application, clean aesthetic and strong performance. These magnets are easily fixed in place with screws and are used for discreet door and drawer closures and for signage and displays."}"
        "description" => "{"en":"<p>Countersunk magnets are available with either pole on the magnetic face so that they can be used as a pair to attract or repel. If you are using two magnets to attract you need to make sure the opposite poles are facing each other as identical poles will repel! Some of their uses include:<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Cabinet making<\/strong> - Typically you&rsquo;ll find countersunk magnets used as invisible closing mechanisms and soft drawer closures.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>DIY<\/strong> - Neodymium magnets can be used to create <a title=\"Creating a hidden magnetic gate latch\" href=\"http:\/\/\/applications\/2013\/09\/creating-a-hidden-gate-latch\/\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">gate latches<\/span><\/a>, <a title=\"Garden shed magnets\" href=\"http:\/\/\/applications\/2013\/08\/garden-shed-magnets\/\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">holding doors open and closed<\/span><\/a>, <a title=\"Fitting a magnetically attachable bath panel\" href=\"http:\/\/\/applications\/2014\/10\/magnetically-attachable-removable-bath-panel\/\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">fixing bath panels<\/span><\/a> and creating removable access panels.<\/p>\r\n<p><strong>Shop fitting<\/strong> &ndash; Magnets are often used in shelving and lighting systems, screens, window displays and signage.<\/p>\r\n<p>Regular countersunk magnets are the only suitable choice if you need magnets to work through a gap, while<span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\"><a title=\"Countersunk pot magnets\" href=\"http:\/\/\/countersunk-magnets-c41#t175\" target=\"_blank\"> countersunk pot magnets<\/a><\/span> work best when clamped directly against a steel surface<\/p>"}"
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