Water Conditioning Magnet

Our Water Conditioning magnets are rapidly becoming well known to many people looking to stop the build up of lime scale. Our very powerful and yet rather inexpensive units magnetize the calcium carbonate ions as the water passes through the magnetic field of the conditioning magnets. As the ions are magnetized, they are unable to clump together which stops the build up that lime scale is famous for.

Christina has kindly sent in some photographs of our units being fitted onto her hot water cylinder, cold water mains supply to her kitchen and loft tank.


It is always important to remember that once the water has been magnetised, it will remain so for approximately 10 hours. If your water is not sitting in a tank then you only really require one unit positioned on the mains stopcock into the property. If you have water sitting anywhere in a tank, you may require additional units to re-magnetise the water as it exits the tank.

We do have three sizes available for varying sizes of pipes; 15mm, 22mm and 65mm. We are certain we will have a unit that meets your needs.

Our Water Conditioning Magnets require no maintenance, no electricity (like many other water conditioning units) and are generally more powerful. Our units are rare earth neodymium magnets and are therefore high quality and high performance magnets.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Christina for her photographs.

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