Using FerroFlex® To Hit The Slopes

Getting into the spirit of things, we thought we would share with you a Christmas themed customer application! We are amazed by all the creative and crafty ways our customers utilise our magnets, and this one is certainly getting everyone in the Christmas spirit!

One of our customers came to speak with our experts to create an at home ski slope. For this project the lady has a snowboarder that she wanted to move up and down her handmade ski slope.

From our experts advice, she purchased FerroFlex® 20mm Wide Ferrous Strip – 3M™ Self Adhesive & Gloss White for her slope and 10 x 5 x 2mm thick N42 Neodymium Magnets to attach to her snowboarder.

Whilst FerroFlex® ferrous tapes are not magnets, they are perfect for creating an instant surface that magnets will attract to.
FerroFlex® is also gloss white making it perfect for blending into snow! This customer used it to create her ski slope paths and used Neodymium Magnets to attach to the bottom of her Snowboarder. This enabled her to move her snowboarder up and down her slopes, and she said this works like a treat!

With lockdown 2.0 coming to an end, this was a fantastic and creative way to pass the time and get into the Christmas spirit that we are all in need of.

We would like to thank the customer for sending her images in to our team.

If you have a project you are working on, or need some advice our team would love to hear from you! Contact our experts on 0845 519 4701 or email at

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