Our Experts’ Favourite Magnets: David Gault

Welcome to the penultimate episode of our Experts’ Favourite Magnets series. It’s a sad day as we conclude our 5th and final post. Fortunately, we have Mr David Gault, the Head of Production at Magnet Expert, revealing his favourite magnet to us today!

But before we get started, lets recap the last few weeks. We started off with Juan who was a big fan of the Feel Flux Skills! Then we moved onto the Head of Sales & Marketing, Mr Simon Elliott whose favourite magnet was the Neodymium Clamping Magnet with an M5 Hook and Eyebolt. Thirdly, Eric Styles, our longest serving expert told us he favoured the Magnetic Cable Tie for all its uses. Most recently, Nathan ‘Mason’ Wallace showcased the Rubber Coated Pot Magnets to us.

Today, we’ll hear David fight his case for his favourite magnet but before we begin, he’s a little about him…

David is an avid golfer who would play night and day if Head Office allowed. He takes his competitive edge into everything he does, competing on and off the course. As the Head of Production, he is in conversation with all departments and always has time for each individual team member.  David is responsible for a lot of the products you see at First4Magnets.com and if you’ve ever heard a salesman say “I’ve actually got one of these myself”, with David, it’s actually true. He’s the go to guy for magnetic products, ensuring we have the right amounts for our customer’s demands.

Here’s David at one of his recent tournaments…

For the final time, we get down to business. Here’s David’s favourite magnet and its uses…

When asked what his favourite magnet would be, David opted for the F4MB48 from our Clamping Magnets category! “I would choose the 48mm Diameter Neodymium Pot Magnet, which also has a large pull strength of 86kg as my favourite magnet.”

Here it is in all its glory…


When asked for his reasons, David replied:

“This is an incredibly powerful magnet for its size and has a versatile fixing method making it ideal for many clamping applications. It is the largest counter-bored Pot Magnet that we have for sale and is most commonly used for applications that involve holding heavy items.”

We then asked David about what you can do with the F4MB48 magnet, to which he replied:

“My magnet is most commonly used for holding heavy items against a steel surface. It can be used around the home but also in industry, and we have often seen these magnets being used to hold temporary/movable objects such as lighting in place against steel surfaces.”

Here’s some of the places magnets can be used around the house: Magnets around the house

Further to that, we asked David about the pricing of his favourite magnet and whether or not it has any variations:

“These magnets cost £18.12 + VAT. There is a larger 60mm version available but also smaller clamping magnets with various fixing methods if less pull strength is required, as this magnet can be dangerous due to its exceptionally powerful nature and as such the pull strength can be unnecessarily large for some applications which is why we have smaller magnets available for sale in this range. These smaller options are useful for similar purposes to this product, provided that they are required to pull or hold smaller amounts of weight in place when being used”

So there we have it. The final question for our final expert in the series.

We hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have and we have no doubt that we will be back in the future with a lot more experts and their favourite magnets. Keep your eyes peeled across our blog for more exciting content in the coming weeks! If you have any questions regarding David’s, or any of our experts’ favourite magnets, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0845 519 4701 or email sales@first4magnets.com.

In the meantime, let’s get social…

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