Magnet fishing approved on Scotland’s canals

A new announcement this weekend has seen magnet fishing become officially permitted in Scottish canals.

Magnet Fishing sees people go searching for any metal items submerged in bodies of water and has continued to grow in popularity throughout Scotland.

The Official Magnet Fishing Scotland body has now been granted permission for its members to ‘fish’ in Edinburgh – the permission was granted by Historic Environment Scotland, and further applications are being submitted for inverness and Glasgow.

Canals are designated as scheduled monuments in Scotland, so to recognise their historical importance, unauthorised magnet fishing could potentially lead to a large fine.

Scottish Canals chief executive, Catherine Taylor, has said she was delighted to allow “safe responsible and accessible magnet fishing.”

“”Magnet fishing will have a positive impact on our network and this activity will help our operations staff ensure that our canals remain positive green and blue spaces for the people of Scotland.”

To ensure you are magnet fishing safely and following all protocols check out our Ultimate Guide to Magnet Fishing.

This announcement follows the UK’s first magnet fishing agreement last December in which the Scottish Canals and Official Magnet Fishing Scotland signed an agreement to set out safe working practices and waste disposal policies.

If your based in or around Scotland then maybe it’s time to get yourself into Magnet Fishing and join the growing community and go search and help clean the Scottish canals, be sure to browse our range of magnet fishing kits.

Always ensure that is is safe to fish in your selected location. Consider the water’s depth and current be sure of your surroundings. Do not put yourself in danger and always tell someone when you are going to magnet fish.

Ensure you have permission in your chosen location. Always ensure that your findings are cleared away from any footpath or walkway, and respect the environment around you. Read the magnet warning sheet before handling.

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