First4Magnets Migrates from HTTP to HTTPS

In recent times, web attacks and cyber security exploitation has been advancing almost as quickly as the technology that powers them has, meaning that extra steps need to be constantly taken to maintain the security of our customers valuable personal information.

As you may have already noticed recently, the website has migrated from the HTTP protocol to the HTTPS protocol. This is easily noticed in the web browser by the green padlock symbol that appears to the left of the URL in the top address bar when the website is viewed by the user. To access the more secure HTTPS protocol instead of the default HTTP protocol there is no change required on your end when viewing the website, meaning that your information and data is more secure by default!

At FIRST4MAGNETS® we have always made your security our highest priority, which is why we have always had HTTPS enabled on all our checkout pages to protect your personal details, meaning they have always been safe from any potential attack. However, we decided to take our dedication to customer security one step further and as such have migrated our entire website to HTTPS, ensuring that no matter what page you are browsing you and your information is always protected.

From an e-commerce standpoint, using HTTPS has a long list of benefits when compared to the now archaic HTTP protocol. This is because the user’s banking and personal information such as address cannot be read by anyone who does not have access to the private key needed to decrypt the information that has been sent to the server by the computer that encrypted it with the public key issued by the web server in the first place. This ensures the information can only be read by the user who sent it in the first place and the server hosting the website that holds the key to decrypt the information sent by the user, as the key length and complexity means that guessing the key would take an unfeasible amount of time for even the most powerful of computers to correctly guess. In turn, this all means that your data is, including any banking information and addresses is incredibly secure.

HTTP to HTTPS migraton

What is HTTPS?

The HTTPS protocol was first marked as an official concept in the year 2000 after being in continuous development since 1994, but has been mainly adopted by the majority of large web corporations only since around 2010 which was brought on by the catalyst of a number of large scale web attacks named “Man in the Middle” attacks; This type of attack is used by hackers to steal data as it is travelling from the user inputting the data to the web server it is being sent to, which was previously possible via the HTTP protocol as the information being sent was not encrypted during this journey between the client and the server. When using HTTPS, all data sent from the client (Yourself) to the server used to host the website (Us) is fully encrypted using asymmetric keys, ensuring that only the people and computers who are intended to read the information can read it.

So, there we have it. Our website is now even safer and our customers can continue to install their trust with us on a daily basis. If you have any questions about our migration to HTTPS or any queries about your safety whilst on our site, please do not hesitate to contact us on or call on 0845 519 4701 where  a member of our team will be happy to help. Thanks for your time.

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