Getting Creative With Caravan Curtains Using Magnets!

There are many amazing and creative ways in which magnets can be used alongside every-day items to create amazing solutions. Have you ever thought about how you could re-purpose an old blanket, sleeping bag or material?

Well, that’s exactly what a recent customer did with their sleeping bag, and all with the help of magnets! With a creative touch and the help of magnets, they shared with us how they made blinds for their caravan out of old sleeping bags – if you would like to find out how to do the same, continue reading!

To make these blinds the customer used:

To start an individual template was cut out for each window as a pattern, placing it on the sleeping bag to draw around and cut out the shape. After, the upholstery fabric was cut in the same way and then folded in two to create two pieces for each blind.

The next step after is to attach the magnets all around the edges. Due to the strength of these magnets, our customer recommended using some white cotton fabric to create fabric tubes approximately twice the length of the magnet to then sew to the lining material. Our customer used a sewing machine for this. However, this can be achieved with a simple needle and thread! After they were all sewn in the magnets were then pinned on the upholstery fabric.

In addition, our customer wanted to create double quilting to indicate which is the top of the blind and a pale blue thread on the front and a dark blue thread on the back to establish which was the blind fit to each window!

After our customer had completed all these steps, they then decided the best way to attach the binding to the blinds was by hand. So, they pinned the binding in place and then this was hemmed, this took our customer a whopping 12 hours

Below are some images of the final product and all we can say is don’t these look great!

Products used:

15 x 4 x 4mm thick N42 Neodymium Magnet – 2.2kg Pull (F1544-10)

If you have a project you are currently working on, or want some advice on your planned projects, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our experts on 0845 519 4701. Alternatively, if you have any recent applications you would like to share with us, please email them at

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