From space shuttles to your desk, introducing the latest must-have gadget – the FerroPod

Have you ever wondered how magnetism works? Well, with the latest innovation from you can skip the physics lesson and see for yourself. Watch the amazing FerroPod video now –

FerroPod is the latest scientific gadget that would grace any office or classroom. This unique invention harnesses the magic of a unique ferrofluid, suspended within a clear liquid. When one or both of the strong magnets included with the FerroPod are placed next to the bottle the ferrofluid reacts in astonishing ways, turning from a runny liquid into a semi-solid in an instant.

The tiny ferrous particles in the liquid react and create spikes that align themselves to the magnetic field lines produced by the magnets. What’s more, because the spikes are magnetised with the same polarity (e.g. all north or all south) they repel each other creating mesmerising shapes and effects.

Ferrofluid was originally developed by NASA for controlling the flow of liquids in their space shuttles but today, the most common use of ferrofluid is in high-end audio speaker systems, bio-medical research and education. Ferrofluid has even been used in prototype body armour and even to create an artificial heart!

The FerroPod is the latest product to be launched by Nottinghamshire-based, one of the UK’s largest suppliers of magnets and magnetic assemblies.

Mesmerising and addictive, the FerroPod will keep you entertained for hours.
Mesmerising and addictive, the FerroPod will keep you entertained for hours.
Use two magnets to create amazing effects.
Use two magnets to create amazing effects.

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